Many new changes to laws and new initiatives have emerged on Business and Human Rights.

On 29 April 2020, the European Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, announced that the Commission has committed to introducing rules for mandatory corporate environmental and human rights due diligence, as part of a External link opens in new tab or windowSustainable Corporate Governance initiative.  The EU Commissioner requested feedback on the proposals through an online public consultation.

Change The Law Ltd made a submission to the EU Commissioner October 2020.   

The work on the submission was with some of the members of a group created by Change The Law Limited, the Professional Training for Lawyers & Barristers in the UN Guiding Principles in Business & Human Rights Working Group. 

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A further submission was made to the EU Commissioner on 8 February 2021 made jointly with the IBA Business & Human Rights Committee and IBA Legal Policy & Research Unit and Change The Law Limited.

On 23 February 2022, the EU Commissioner published the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDD) Draft. 

The CSDD draft began as the EU Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence Directive.

1 June 2023, the JURI announce the CSDD Directive was adopted.

Change The Law Limited created a global working group in 2018, who are Lawyers, Barristers, Legal Practitioners, Academics,  NGO's, Members of the UN and Members of the International Bar Association and Business Leaders.   There are 85 members in 27 countries.   The  group's mission is  to train law students and legal practitioners on the UN Guiding Principles on business and human rights (BHRTs) on the implications of human rights in their legal practice, beyond litigation and how to defend and prosecute it, to ensure standards are met globally consistently with best practice in Ethics and Professional Standards.
The group, The Professional Training for Lawyers & Barristers in the UN Guiding Principles in Business & Human Rights Working Group,  work collaboratively to engage with (those) and positively influence the adoption and implementation of the United Nations “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework and the UN Guiding Principles into the education, training, practice, ethics and professional standards.   Respect for human rights is necessary for the implementation of the Sustainability and Development Goals (SDG's).  Therefore, where possible, this will also include the SDG’s.  The standards are to be established on a global basis.